My son Dax (10) graduated Webelos and officially became a Boy Scout- Good job Dax! For his first ever overnight hike, the troop (troop 888 Castaic) took a 6 mile hike (3 miles in, 3 miles out) to the historic Mt. Lowe, Ye Alpine Tavern site. Dax did great considering that his backpack about doubled his size!

It amazes me some of the things Los Angeles used to have that doesn't exist anymore. The old Mt. Lowe Scenic Railway is one of them. At one time this was California's most popular tourist destination!

Built between 1892 and 1895, Tourist would take the electric cars from Los Angeles, through Pasadena up to Rubio Canyon to the Rubio Pavilion:

There, riders could transfer to a 3000 foot long incline railway that took them to the top of Echo Mountain that offered spectacular views of Pasadena, Los Angeles, Long Beach and as far away as Catalina Island.